Method is the arithmetic of success.
-Henry Wheeler Shaw
Why Method Matters
Creative and strategic energy of business leaders should be reserved for core functions: products, services, customers, marketing, distribution, and the customer experience- not the inventiveness or novelty of its finance program. Unfortunately, many executive teams devote excessive energy developing finance programs from scratch, only to arrive at a commonly used solutions that were available at the start. Others simply delay addressing their finance and strategy needs until it’s too late, after customers start to complain or key employees depart. Neither option is a good one.
You need the right program elements delivered at the right time.

Why re-invent the wheel?
Aumento’s Edge management method has been honed and refined over 20 years of experience with a wide range of companies. While every business is unique, we generally find that the finance needs of our clients are very similar and our solution works well in most situations.
“Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.”
– Arnold H. Glasow
The Alternative
Creating an in-house finance program is often expensive, energy consuming, and can distract attention from your core mission. Hiring an expensive CFO full-time may feel justified early on, especially considering the sheer number and broad range of finance program elements in most programs. It’s no wonder in-house efforts often take 1-2 years to gain traction. If you are looking for help with special projects, analysis, or decision support during this time, you may be disappointed.
Common components of new finance programs include:
- Identifying and interviewing stakeholders
- Reviewing historic records and documents
- Current state analysis
- Benchmarking expenses
- Implement process and tools for strategic planning
- Develop strategic plan
- Develop business plan…

We believe our work is best done on a fractional basis by highly skilled professionals who can fill the critical finance roles you need, with minimal disruption to your core business. We walk a fine balance. The input of your team is essential, but implementing a new finance program can easily distract an organization from its core mission. To avoid missing any important lessons you’ve already learned, we work with your team— carefully gathering ideas and feedback with a light touch and iterating as necessary.